Mag. Jakob Steixner
Grounding Adjectival Ordering Restrictions
Angaben zur Person
Curriculum Vitae
Seit 2013: Universitätsassistent (prä-doc) am Institut für Germanistik, Lehrstuhl Katharina Hartmann, Universität Wien
2012: Abschluss der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Wien; Diplomarbeit: "On Intervention Effects in Bavarian Negative Concord", Betreuer Martin Prinzhorn
- Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle
- Syntax-Prosodie-Schnittstelle
- syntaktische Universalien
- Syntax des Deutschen und Bairischen aus theoretischer und komparativer Perspektive
- Grammatik und Kognition
Angaben zum Dissertationsprojekt
Grounding Adjectival Ordering Restrictions
Nähere Beschreibung
The relative order of stacked adjectives has been found to be severely restricted in many languages, with interesting cross-linguistic correlations, in work with theoretical, typological, as well as psycholinguistic backgrounds. My goal is to a) assess the validity of generalisations found in the literature for German both through acceptability judgements and reaction times for non-canonical orders and b) find hints towards extralinguistic parellels of some of the more fine-grained and theoretically unexpected contrasts.
- Adjectives
- Syntax